Phone Upgrade

Phone Service Upgrade Information

We want to thank you for being a loyal Vyve customer and hope this free voice service upgrade shows our commitment to your total customer satisfaction.

Setting Up Your New Online Portal

Vyve is harnessing the power of the Web to help you get the most out of your voice services. A powerful new online portal will enable to you to monitor and customize your voice services as you wish, when you wish. Check voicemail online, track your calls as they occur, initiate or change settings for Call Forwarding and other important calling features, designate email addresses to receive audio files of your voicemail messages as they are delivered, and much, much more! Please note: Existing settings for call forwarding and other set-it-and-forget-it features will not carry forward in the new platform.

Once the activation has taken place, you will need to login to the new online portal at to adjust feature settings and set up your voicemail.

• Your phone number will be your initial username.

• The last six digits of the billing account number will be your initial password.

If you should have any questions, please call one of our friendly service representatives at 855.FOR.VYVE to help you through the process.

Please Note:

Old voicemail messages will not be imported into the new voicemail platform. If your voicemail was upgraded on or before October 1, 2020, you will be able to access old messages until October 31, 2020 by logging into your current voicemail platform. You will also have the option of downloading these messages once in the platform. After October 31, 2020, all messages on the old platform will be erased. If your voicemail was upgraded after October 1, 2020, you will be able to access old messages until November 30, 2020 by logging into your current voicemail platform. You will also have the option of downloading these messages once in the platform. After November 30, 2020, all messages on the old platform will be erased.

Enjoy Your New Calling Features

Your new Vyve voice service comes with all the great calling features listed below. Some features are activated using different codes than you may be used to. Below is a list of features and their corresponding new codes. Please keep this list on hand for future reference. You may also activate and manage calling features through the new online voice portal at Please note: Selective Call Rejection must be done through the subscriber portal.

Anonymous Call Rejection *77 *87
Call Forwarding – Always *72 *73
Call Forwarding – Busy *90 *91
Call Forwarding – No Answer *92 *93
Call Forwarding – Not Reachable *94 *95
Call Return *69
Call Waiting (per call *70) *56 *57
Call Waiting – Disable for One Call *70
Caller ID Block – Outbound *68 *81
Caller ID – Block Outbound (per call) *67
Clear Voice Message Indicator *99
Do Not Disturb *78 *79
Flash Call Hold *22
Last Number Redial *66
Speed Dial 8 *74
Speed Dial 100 *75
Voicemail *98 or *62